Designing a curriculum for learning C and C++ at Vinayak Computer Institute would typically involve structuring the courses to cover foundational concepts first and then progressing to more advanced topics. Here’s a suggested outline:
C Programming Curriculum
- Introduction to C Programming
Overview of programming languages
- History and importance of C
- Setting up a development environment
Basic Concepts
- Variables, constants, and data types
- Input and output operations
- Operators and expressions
Control Structures
- Decision-making with if, else, switch
- Looping with for, while, do-while
- Break and continue statements
- Defining and using functions
- Function prototypes and recursion
- Passing arguments: pass by value vs pass by reference
Arrays and Strings
- Single-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays
- String handling functions
- Character arrays vs string literals
- Understanding pointers and addresses
- Pointer arithmetic
- Dynamic memory allocation (malloc, calloc, realloc, free)
Structures and Unions
- Defining structures and unions
- Accessing structure members
- Nested structures and pointers to structures
File Handling
- File operations: opening, reading, writing, closing
- Sequential file access
- Random access file operations
Advanced Topics
- File operations: opening, reading, writing, closing
- Preprocessor directives
- Command line arguments
- Error handling with errno and perror
- Introduction to C99 and C11 features
Project Work
- Implementing small to medium-sized projects using learned concepts
- Debugging and testing strategies
Introduction to C++
- Evolution from C to C++
- Object-oriented programming concepts
- Features of C++
Basic Syntax and Data Types
- Variables, constants, and literals/li>
- Input and output streams
- Operators and expressions
Control Structures
- Conditional statements (if, else, switch)
- Looping statements (for, while, do-while)
- Break and continue statements
Functions in C++
- Function overloading
- Default arguments and inline functions
- Recursion in C++
Classes and Objects
- Constructors and destructors
- Defining classes and objects
- Access specifiers: public, private, protected
- Array
- Base and derived classes
- Types of inheritance (single, multiple, multilevel)
- Constructor and destructor execution order in inheritance
- Polymorphism
Function overloading
Function templates
- Class templates
- Template specialization
- STL (Standard Template Library)
Containers (vectors, lists, queues, stacks)
- Algorithms (sorting, searching, manipulating)
- Iterators and their types
- File Handling in C++
File streams (ifstream, ofstream)
- Sequential and random access file handling
- Error handling with exceptions
- Advanced Topics
- Type casting
- Smart pointers (unique_ptr, shared_ptr)
- Lambda expressions
- Project Work